Weights, Reps, Sets and Muscle Fatigue Explained!
Weights, Repetitions, Sets and Muscle Fatigue Explained! I get a lot of questions like - what weight should I use, how many repetitions of each exercise should I be doing, and how many sets...
The 2 Biggest Reasons You’re NOT Seeing Results
This is How You Overcome The 2 Biggest Mistakes You're Probably Making! Trying to piece together random workouts is frustrating and will not lead to the results you’re looking for. If you’ve been...
Get Your Cardio From Weight Training!
This is How You Can Support Your Muscular & Cardiorespiratory Systems And Get An Amazing Workout! Cardiorespiratory, that word is quite a mouthful…. What is it and why should it be...
Boost Your Energy And Mood NOW!
How Strength Training Boosts Your Energy Levels and Overall Mood... We all want to feel good. Because when we feel good, we get more done, we have a zest for life, we’re more...
Weight Loss The Right Way
How The Kailon Method Helps You Lose Weight & Tone Up... Sometimes life gets in the way and our priorities shift – kids, school, work, meetings, cooking, the list goes on and they are all...
Fueling Your Body With The Right Foods Is Key
How Fueling Your Body Properly Is an Obvious and Overlooked Requirement... Food!!!! YES! Oh I love it so much!!!! But to be totally honest, it took me a long time to really recognize how...
Lifting Weights CAN Make You More Flexible!
This is How You Can Create Full Body Mobility & Flexibility WHILE Increasing Your Strength... “I thought I had to go to yoga to get more flexible.” (NOPE!) That’s what I hear all the...
Building Strength is Life Changing!
Do You Really Know What the Benefits of Building Strength Are? I mean it seems obvious, right? I increase my strength so I’m stronger, duh!!! HAHA!!! Well let’s dive into some of the less known...
Boost Your Metabolism By Lifting Weights!
Here's Some Tips To Give Your Metabolism The Jump Start it Needs! Let’s jump right in with a quick overview of what our resting metabolic rate (RMR) actually is. Your RMR is the total number...
Are You Pushing Hard Enough To Make Progress?
Let's Talk More About Muscle Fatigue And It's Importance! It's Nothing To Be Afraid Of, It's Something To Strive For! Muscle fatigue, also known as muscle failure, is when you are performing...

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“I’ve been training with Kristin for over a year and she is the most genuine, caring and badass woman I’ve ever met! I am super impressed with Kristin’s online workouts, her awesome explanation videos and demos (it feels like she is talking right to me!), and all of the delicious meals and recipes! I am able to stay fit and healthy and have fun doing it. If I can’t workout with her, I will work out while I watch her!”