How Strength Training Combats Poor Posture

Quick- Are You Hunching Over or Sitting Up Straight Right Now as You watch This!?!


Think about the most common things we do all day – driving, reading, working at a desk, looking at a computer and using the phone.

These activities cause a forward head position, rounded shoulders, neck stiffness, tight hamstrings and hip flexors, a weak core and slouching into the low back.

I want you to Check your body right now and see how many of those symptoms are present! Go ahead, I’ll wait!

So, look – if certain muscle groups aren’t being strengthened, you’re in trouble. Maybe not tomorrow, or next month, but over time it certainly will take its toll.

But if you join me, you can start to correct those body imbalances and pain!

My Kailon Method program delivers full body workouts to create optimal results but utilizing all of your major and ancillary muscle groups that are necessary for you to keep good posture.

Weightlifting can reduce and prevent chronic back pain by strengthening your back, shoulders, core muscles, and legs, all of which are essential to ensure proper posture.

Most programs out there focus too much on working the front of the body- pushups, shoulders, stomach, hip flexors – when in fact that only makes the problem WORSE!

My program focuses on correcting imbalances by making sure there is plenty of upper and low back work, rear shoulders, it teaches you how to train your shoulder blades to hold good posture, works the glutes and hamstrings – it’s all the exercises you need to combat the excessive amount of front of the body work we already get.

Now, how you workout each muscle group is significantly important, which is why I designed my patented style of training called Slow-Intensity.

It’s hugely important to lift safely when building muscle correctly, and the explanation videos in my program are designed to walk you step by step through proper form and technique.

After all, we never want you to get injured by performing an exercise incorrectly, it’s all about forward progress and being consistent!

I tailor and design each exercise for maximum results with safety, efficiency, and effectiveness in mind.

So sit up straight, and follow me into a life of good posture and muscular balance!

Gain Better Posture By Strengthening Your Body!
Join My Kailon Method Program! Here’s YOUR special

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How Strength Training Can Help You Sleep

I Need Sleep, Seriously! Why Am I Not Sleeping Well?


I want to go over the ways strength training can improve your sleep – because I know too many people that have sleep issues, and I want to help correct that!

You deserve to feel rested.

AND, unfortunately, so many of us get caught up in a cycle of not being able to fall asleep at night or generally struggling to stay asleep through the night.

This can lead to the dreaded next morning grogginess, and it seems to always happen on the days you needed that good night’s sleep the most.

These are crazy, but true statistics…

More than 1 in 3 Americans are not getting enough sleep. And, over 25% of adults in America have trouble sleeping most nights and another 68% struggle to get a restful night’s sleep at least once a week. That is staggering!


The truth is in an overwhelming world with never ending to-do lists and constraints on our time, we simply feel like we can’t make the time we need ourselves to look after our overall health and wellbeing. And it’s this lack of time and excess stress is showing up in our sleep patterns.


Quality Sleep is imperative to our overall vitality and quality of living. The fact is that without proper sleep, our ability to perform, recover and promote muscle growth and overall body healing during the night becomes inhibited.


Additionally, sleep deprivation can lead to weight gain by messing with the hormone’s leptin (which helps us feel full) and ghrelin (which triggers hunger). Without sleep our leptin decreases and ghrelin levels increase which can lead to excess calorie consumption and weight gain.


By not prioritizing sleep, we are negatively affecting our bodies ability to build new muscles, repair organs, cells and tissues, our hormones become unbalanced, unintended weight gain can happen and our immune system can also suffer.


So, what can we do to promote restful sleep?


I think you know what I am going to say… We Strength Train!


A lot of things happen when we lift weights – we use a source of energy called ATP and when we deplete this through working out, it turns into adenosine which tends to cause drowsiness.


Also, strength training is linked to lower blood pressure, less anxiety and better digestive breakdowns – all of which help us get a better and more relaxing night’s sleep!


Once you get started with my program, sleep is only one of the many benefits you’re going to recognize as you move through your first few months of workouts.


And I’ve built this program to progress you slowly, so you don’t get MORE tired than you already are.


Strength training is key to helping your body find that state of restful shut eye you need.


Let’s improve your overall health and increase your quality of sleep at the same time- Join my Kailon Program Today!


It’s Time To Improve Your Overall Health, Including Your Sleep!
Join My Kailon Method Program! Here’s YOUR special

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Now $24.00/mo instead of the full price of $49.99/mo!



Increasing Bone Density With Strength Training

This is How Strength Training Increases Your Bone Density and Why That’s Incredibly Important


You now know strength training most certainly increases our strength, tones our muscles, and makes us more lean and overall healthier.

Being stronger while looking and feeling fit is amazing, but there’s more to it than that.

As we age, our bodies undergo changes in our hormones, and we slowly start to become deficient in many vitamins and minerals essential in the creation of new bone.


This will eventually lead to osteopenia and possibly osteoporosis. I know what you’re thinking- that won’t happen until I am 80!!! Wrong!

Our bones start to decrease the production of osteoblasts (which are cells that form new bone) and increase the speed of osteoclasts (which reabsorb bone, making them weaker) beginning around age 45!

Peak bone density is around age 30, so the stronger your bones are by then and moving forward, the less likely that osteoclasts will outpace bone growth too soon!

The good news is that you can slow or reverse this process by using my scientifically proven Slow-Intensity style of weight training. By safely applying force to our bones when we’re lifting weights, our bones are going to get stronger just like our muscles.

This does 2 things; it slows bone loss and increases bone growth!

My Slow-Intensity training method has been proven to provide a way for you to accomplish this effectively.

By slowing down your repetitions during each exercise, you remove the momentum within the exercise, which places the focus and intensity directly onto your muscles and bones.


The muscles work to gain strength to support your structure, but your bones actually strengthen as well!


And that’s what we want, a perfect combination of muscle and bone strength, keeping your body in ultimate health and allowing you to do all the fun things that you enjoy in life!

Ok, Look – this may not sound super sexy right now, but I can promise you that after consistent strength training, you will create new, strong bones and they are responsible for keeping our brain, heart and other organs safe!


Plus, they help us live life better – tennis, golf, skiing, dancing, walking, hiking – all made easier and better with strong bones!

And that’s pretty sexy, right? (YES!!!)

​Trust me, you don’t want to wait until you get an injury that could have been avoided and be forced to learn the hard way, let’s get started now and together inside the Kailon Program!


It’s Time To Make Life Easier, Better & More Fun!
Join My Kailon Method Program! Here’s YOUR special

52% off 6 MONTHS!
Now $24.00/mo instead of the full price of $49.99/mo!