What Happens To Our Energy And Stamina When We Aren’t Being Consistently Active?
Stamina… What exactly is it?
Well stamina is both the energy and strength it takes to do prolonged effort that requires mental and/or physical exertion.
Having stamina also reduces the effects of fatigue and exhaustion by keeping your energy levels naturally high.
Think back to when you could go on no sleep, pull all-nighters, drink coffee with no repercussions, work long days, study, and workout for hours with no enhancements.
Do you still have that level of stamina? If you do, awesome, keep doing what you’re doing – AND join my advanced fitness level program as will challenge even the most fit person.
BUT, if you feel like you maybe… just maybe… have a little less energy than you used to, than listen up.
Stamina is essentially the ability to maintain high energy levels for long periods of time and be resistant to fatigue, adversities, and illness.
Now that sems like something everyone would want, but what are we doing to assure we’re making that happen?
It starts with consistency. Consistency is key!
In order for you to have a continuous state of available energy, you need to make sure you are fueling and utilizing your body in a manner that supports your life.
That looks different for everyone, so if you’re training for a marathon, your daily activities are going to look a lot different than someone who is looking to complete a 5-mile beach walk with their family, or someone who wants to feel more energized when walking the golf course.
But what is common among everyone is how we can get there. My Kailon Method program is designed specifically to build over time.
I didn’t just throw together a program of random workouts, I designing a program consisting of 52+ weeks of exercises that will get you a place of continuous gains and ultimate vitality.
You will NOT be completely exhausting your body during workouts leaving you with no energy for the day. You will NOT be overworking a part of your body so much that it’s sore for a week.
Each workout and every exercise during the week compliment each other.
Each workout builds on the one before, so you won’t be doing things that are way too advanced for where you’re at.
You WILL work your entire body while working on creating muscular balance throughout your body as well.
You WILL get a great workout and feel energized, not exhausted so you’re ready to take on the rest of your day!
This program is about slowly and progressively building workouts that will support and increase your stamina over time!
When you build your lower body muscles, you’re better able to propel yourself farther with every step you take while walking or running.
As your strength increases, so does your stamina which means the things you do every day will become better and easier.
You will notice your muscles become more resistant to fatigue. Strength training promotes capillarisation, which specifically improves the flow of energy and a better supply to the muscles to increase performance.
Strength training also help regulate glycogen and enzyme levels.
Your newly added muscle also helps absorb the impact that would otherwise put stress on your joints, which is great news for anyone with pain, arthritis or any kind of joint injury!
And that way we can do the things we love, longer and easier, without risk of joint damage! This is one of those things that will pay off huge in the long run!
So if you’re feeling more and more sluggish these days, it’s time to kickstart your vitality and bring yourself back to life!
Strength Training really is the Fountain of Youth!
It’s Time To Increase Your Energy and Stamina The Right Way!
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Now $24.00/mo instead of the full price of $49.99/mo!